29 Jun Like a perfume of Tarn
In partnership with the Departmental Tourism Committee (CDT) Phodé has just created the first perfume that will represent a French Department.
Friday, June 22, 2018 took place the launch of “L’Air du Tarn”. For the occasion Daniel Eclache, President of Phodé and Aurore Fontaine flavourist, were in company of Paul Salvador President of the Departmental Tourism Committee and Christophe Ramond, President of the Departmental Council.
“I transcribed, via odors, all the emotions that I felt when discovering the Tarn,” explained Aurore Fontaine flavourist at Phodé.
Mixing notes of hay, of cut grass, the smell of undergrowth to remind Sidobre, citrus notes for freshness and dynamism, is how Phodé managed to meet the challenge of bottling the smell of its Department.
A promotion action that goes through scents
From now on, the perfume will be used as a promotion tool for the Tarn, it will be sprayed in tourist offices and imbibe tourist brochures. Some thoughts are under way about marketing it to tourists.
Author : Patrick Guerrier