03 May Launch of the 1st animal welfare training cycle sponsored by Phodé
We are happy to announce our collaboration with FS TEAM CAPACITACIONES for our 1st animal welfare training cycle. FS TEAM is a Chilean company specialized in animal welfare which offers consulting and training services to the agroindustry.
Animal welfare is a strong value at Phodé and we believe it is the best way to reach performance.
The objective of this training is to deepen the knowledge and prepare veterinarians and livestock technicians to implement the new Animal Welfare standards in different production systems.
FS TEAM CAPACITACIONES has designed a 16 hours long online program plus an exam granting a personal certification endorsed by the WELFCERT label. Mr. Roberto Becerra Olmedo and Mrs. Verónica Jiménez Grez will be the instructors involved in the training, both are veterinarians specialized in ethology and animal welfare. This first cycle is composed of professionals from the LATAM area. All the best for this training!